Nine out of ten Belgians between the ages of 18 and 70 bought something online at least once last year. At least 33 percent of Belgian consumers say that they have one online store they always use to purchase a certain product online. Another 40 percent return to the same three online stores.
These data come from a newly published research commissioned by Comeos, a Belgian ecommerce trade association. In total, 2,000 Belgians were asked about their online purchasing behavior.
50% of Belgian consumers shop on marketplaces like and Amazon.
According to the report, 50 percent of Belgian consumers shop online on online marketplaces such as and Amazon. The competitive prices, free delivery and large product range are the main reasons why these consumers prefer these platforms.
23% start searching for products on Google
When Belgian consumers are looking for a product they do not buy regularly, at least 23 percent start their search on Google or Bing. Another 15 percent start their product search on a marketplace and 11 percent look at online stores. However, at least 25 percent of Belgians visit brick-and-mortar stores first when they need these kinds of products.
Belgians return to the same online stores
Per product type, at least 33 percent of Belgians return to the same online store to place a purchase. Another 40 percent return to the same three online stores.
50% of Belgian consumers do not consider another online store.
When asked about their latest purchase, 50 percent of consumers said that they did not consider another online store than the one where they placed their order. And 79 percent said that they had placed a previous order in the same online store. When Belgian consumers are satisfied with a particular online store, they no longer look at competitors.
1 in 3 consumers do not want to create an account
Belgian consumers dislike having to create an account with an online store. Perhaps this is why they return to the same stores often. At least 34 percent said that they cancel their purchase if they are required to make an account. And 71 percent expects to be rewarded in the form of discounts or loyalty points for creating a login.